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Growing in Faith Together

Nashville’s Dave Salyer and Daphne Anderson

Music this Good Has To Be a Crime!

Date: September 15, 2024
Time: 3:00-5:00pm
Location: Elmwood Presbyterian Church
Download Flyer for more information here.

First Presbyterian Church of Elmwood, Illinois, is a Christ-focused community of faith.

Since 1856 our church has brought spiritual, emotional and tangible support to the people in the vicinity of Elmwood. As the building has undergone transitions over the years, so has the congregation and its ministry. As we approach a new phase with a new building adjacent to the historic location and new ministries in that building we invite the people of our community to join us in participation of our purpose statement: A Joyful Community: Loving, Laughing and Learning with Christ.

We are seekers of faith on a journey while pursuing eternal salvation. With the Bible as our map, Jesus Christ as our Guide and our leaders as our examples we invite others to join us.